4x5 Color Negative

I love this stuff, I just wish it wasn’t $4 per sheet!!! Both are Portra 400 color negative film. Both developed in Cinestill’s C41 kit, at 95ºF.

This one was taken last year, December 21, the night of the Jupitar & Saturn Conjunction.  As I remember, this was about a 10 minute exposure just after sunset.  It appeared darker to the eye than it appears here in the film scan.

This one was taken last year, December 21, the night of the Jupitar & Saturn Conjunction. As I remember, this was about a 10 minute exposure just after sunset. It appeared darker to the eye than it appears here in the film scan.

This was taken a few days ago, Saturday, February 6.  I loved the clouds that day.  I’d gone out to shoot something else but it was too windy.  My development is a bit uneven here, but I still love this negative.  The “3D” quality of large format ne…

This was taken a few days ago, Saturday, February 6. I loved the clouds that day. I’d gone out to shoot something else but it was too windy. My development is a bit uneven here, but I still love this negative. The “3D” quality of large format negatives is just incredible!


The Holga and Color Film


The Covid interruption..