2017 Firnew Farm Artists’ Circle Show at Woodberry Forest School

“A View with a Room,” a play on words, referred to E.M. Forster’s “A Room with a View,” and examined the idea of seeing the world through new eyes. The show, a collaboration between Firnew founder Trish Crowe and Woodberry Forest art teacher Kelly Lonergan, has become an annual highlight of the Woodberry Forest exhibition schedule.

John Berry of Madison, the show’s featured artist, was selected as the winner of the People’s Choice Award for his 8-foot by 16-foot large-scale photograph, “Four”.

“FOUR” 12’ x 8’

John Berry of Madison, the show’s featured artist, was selected as the winner of the People’s Choice Award for his 8-foot by 16-foot large-scale photograph, “Four”.

12’ x 8’


2017 Installation - Wetsel Middle School Library, Madison, VA